Dedicated to making sane decisions based on information
- We support level-headed candidates who make sober, sound, and reasonable judgments based on information, science, and statistics
- We support candidates who are not outraged, who do not feign outrage, who do not motivate through fear or religion, and who are not prone to hyperbole
- We support media that report news in persective, supported by facts and statistics, not by anecdote
- We believe “the truth” does not mean asking one democrat and one republican for their respective opinions
We like:
We don’t like:
- fearmongering
- demagoguery
- religious justifications for policy
- partisan politics
- party mouthpieces
- talking/arguing heads as news
- balance as truth
- politics as sport (but without the mutual respect)
- some democrats and some republicans
- the two-party oligopoly
Edit and sign here: [UPDATE: You’ll have to email us now!]
We are:
- Name, Optional: City, State
- David Pennock, Princeton, NJ
- Daniel Reeves, Portland, OR
- George Kornegay, e
- Alex Ames, Madison, WI
- Aaron Gertler, New Haven, CT
- David Ernst, Dallas, TX